Akai Professional, Splice, Loopcloud and Serato Studio Join Forces to Create the Ultimate Producer Pack for the Legendary MPK Mini Series Keyboard Controllers
Your production demands the best – whether it’s immediate access to world-class sample libraries, the ultimate controller or a digital audio workstation to capture your latest creation. Akai Professional has just made your entry point into the world of production a no-brainer, thanks to an exclusive, limited-time offering featuring partnerships with Splice, Loopcloud and Serato Studio. From the October 1st, 2019 to the December 31st, 2019, new and existing customers of the MPK Mini Series are eligible for 3 months free access to Splice Sounds, an immense 2GB library of in-demand content from Loopcloud, a 30 day free trial of Loopcloud Studio (plus, 50% off your first year subscription), and a free 3-month subscription to Serato Studio.
Sign in to your akaipro.com account to get these exclusive offers today.